President Joe Biden Archives
Frustrated Democrats express alarm over Biden's powerlessness Frustrated Democrats express alarm over Biden's powerlessness
Thu, July, 7, 2022
Here's The Hill's Amie Parnes to describe how Democrats are feeling because of President Joe Biden's ineffective leadership.
Progressives divided over whether to hold Biden accountable or block GOP ascendance Progressives divided over whether to hold Biden accountable or block GOP ascendance
Wed, July, 6, 2022
Haris Alic from the Washington Times talks to This Morning's Gordon Deal on how progressives think of Joe Biden after he has failed to deliver on what progressives want out of him.
Biden warns Big Oil over gas output Biden warns Big Oil over gas output
Thu, June, 16, 2022
Gordon Deal interviews Ben Geman from Axios about President Joe Biden's message to the big oil companies about how much gas they are putting out.